Felix Liao, Airway Mouth Doctor Discusses the Dental and Brain Connection

Dive into the enlightening world of holistic dentistry with Dr. Liao, the esteemed Airway Mouth Doctor, at the Demystifying Fibromyalgia Conference! 

Embark on a journey where Dr. Liao unveils the profound connection between our mouths and the overall health of our bodies, offering invaluable insights into the holistic approach to dentistry and its profound impact on our well-being. Conference recordings are all available now through the Physician Transformation Institute. Click here for more info and to access recordings!

From the earliest stages of life, our growth is intricately linked to the functions of the mouth. Dr. Liao expertly guides us through the developmental milestones and elucidates how the mouth plays a pivotal role in this remarkable journey.

Dr. Liao emphasizes the critical importance of maintaining proper jaw and mouth structure to support an open airway. The intricate interplay between the structure of our skull, airway, and jaw is pivotal for various functions such as alignment, breathing, circulation, digestion, energy, and sleep.

The mouth, as Dr. Liao defines it, is not merely a component of our anatomy but a vital supporter of overall health. Its influence extends beyond mere oral health, impacting the heart, brain, gut, and more. Dr. Liao's teachings extend even further to train holistic airway-centric dentists, orthodontists, and airway team members, empowering them to recognize and leverage this profound connection for optimal well-being.

Are you ready to explore the profound impact of a holistic mouth on your health journey? The Demystifying Fibromyalgia Conference brings you this enlightening session and much more! Visit the Physician Transformation Institute to access recordings and stay updated on future events! 


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