Sleep, Jaw Structure, and Mental Health

Upper airway disorders, sleep disturbances, obstructive airways, and other sleep disorders are more common than we once thought. Most people are familiar with the role that sleep disorders play in metabolic health and heart health, but many are not aware of just how great the link is between sleep disorders and mental health. There is no denying that there is indeed a mental health stigma, and this often impedes people from getting the help they need. We believe that if we can shed light on biological mechanisms that cause or contribute to poor mental health, then we can give people the information they need to make informed decisions to better their health and improve the mental health crisis in the US.


Where should we start when addressing sleep disturbances and overall health? Firstly, it is good to know the signs to look for if there are no obvious signs of sleep issues (such as snoring, waking in the night gasping, jaw clenching/TMJ). Some of the seemingly unrelated but very connected signs of sleep issues include brain fog, inflammation that does not improve with other lifestyle changes, blood pressure fluctuations, waking with elevated blood pressure/blood sugar, poor memory, frequent infections, poor immune function, low mood, hormone imbalances, concentration issues, and mouth breathing.


If not treated, obstructive airway issues can lead to a multitude of negative downstream effects, including cardiovascular diseases, accelerated brain issues such as dementia, imbalances in blood pressure, reduced detoxification mechanisms, impeded lymphatic drainage processes, increased amyloid plaques, ADHD, and even symptoms of bipolar disorder. TMJ and jaw issues have often been misdiagnosed with chronic pain disorders such as fibromyalgia and more. If we address and correct structural issues, such as skull/jaw structure and obstructed airways we are directly able to impact our metabolic, cardiovascular, and brain health.


Many are shocked to see that after treating a sleep disorder, restoring oxygen levels in the night, and improving brain function, their mental health drastically improves. This means better focus, improved memory, healing of chronic pain, resolution of depression and anxiety and other mental health struggles, improved emotional resiliency, and improved relationships. With proper diagnosis and treatment of physiological imbalances, we are able to better treat mental health battles and improve overall patient outcomes!


Take a listen to the video on the following page, linked below! (A discussion between Dr. Ruan and Dr. Simmons, an incredibly knowledgeable sleep specialist, regarding the connection between physiology, sleep issues, and their connection to mental health issues).


If you believe this applies to you, schedule a consultation with us to start your healing journey today! Share this video with your loved ones to spread the word. We don't always know the mental battles people in our circle may be struggling through. There is always hope for healing!


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