
Unlocking the Secrets of Emotional Eating: Insights from Our Metabolic Group Visit

At our recent metabolic group visit, Dr. Cheng Ruan shared a fascinating framework for understanding the psychological and emotional drivers behind weight struggles, eating habits, and behavioral changes. Through his expertise in integrative medicine, Dr. Ruan introduced us to the concept of the four key "archetypes" - Warrior, Sovereign, Magician, and Lover.

Understanding how each archetype is linked to unique patterns of emotional eating was eye-opening. And most importantly, Dr. Ruan explained how by tackling these deep-rooted thought processes, we can truly get to the heart of unhealthy behaviors and forge a path towards sustainable weight management and metabolic health.

Let's dive into each of the four archetypes in more detail:

The Warrior Individuals with a Warrior archetype are often driven, ambitious, and hyper-focused on achievement. However, this single-minded pursuit of goals can lead to burnout, stress, and emotional eating as a coping mechanism. Warriors may use food...

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From Pain to Empowerment: Libbie's Story

mental health mind body Mar 15, 2024

Most of us have or will experience grief in our lifetime, but very few of us are prepared to know how to navigate the healing process, which is often life-long. Libbie is a testament to resilience and finding joy through suffering. After meeting with Libbie, we decided her story is so impactful that we want to share it with you! Libbie Vaughan founded the Dance Yourself Home Program after experiencing the devastating loss of her husband to suicide.

Libbie's journey began with the heart-wrenching realization that her husband was battling severe anxiety and depression. As his condition worsened, he found it increasingly difficult to cope with the demands of daily life, eventually reaching a point where he could no longer work and had to go on disability. Events leading up to this included a major job layoff during the pandemic, total isolation and abandonment by friends, and increased anxiety. Libbie found herself being the only support system for her husband, while working full time....

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Solving the Cognitive Health Mystery through Brain Mapping

When considering brain health, we often think of conditions deemed irreversible, seemingly unaffected by lifestyle changes. However, through analyzing high-quality data, we gain insights into the functioning of the brain and mental health, paving the way for actionable steps toward desired outcomes.

Utilizing tangible data, we can chart a course for change. While each person possesses a unique brain signature, common patterns offer valuable clues for improving outcomes.

Brain mapping compares an individual's brain wave patterns to those of a healthy control group, highlighting regions with abnormal activity levels. Armed with this data, individuals often contemplate their contribution to achieving desired health outcomes. This comparison helps us as providers identify any areas where your brain might be functioning differently, which can be key in understanding conditions like anxiety, ADHD, or even concussions.

But brain mapping isn't just about diagnosis. It's also about...

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The Restorative Power of Sleep: A Vital Component for Cognitive, Brain, and Mental Health

In the quest for optimal health and well-being, it's easy to overlook one of the most powerful and accessible tools available to us: sleep. Sleep is not merely a state of rest; it is a fundamental pillar of good health, particularly when it comes to cognitive, brain, and mental health. For those navigating the challenging waters of any emotionally turbulent season, sleep becomes even more critical. In this article, we will explore why sleep is the most important piece in a person's health journey, especially for managing cognitive functions, brain health, and mental well-being amidst the complexities of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sleep and Cognitive Functions

Think of your brain as a well-tuned orchestra, with different cognitive functions working in harmony to create a seamless symphony. Now, imagine what would happen if one instrument were out of tune - the whole performance would suffer. Similarly, when we lack sufficient sleep, our cognitive functions are affected,...

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Brain Mapping: A Revolutionary Approach to Solving Brain and Mental Health Cases

At Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine, we strive to provide our patients with the most advanced and personalized treatment plans that address their unique needs. In our pursuit of holistic healthcare, we have embraced an innovative technology known as BrainView Brain Mapping.The BrainView Neuralscan Pro is a QEEG device that we use to measure and analyze brain activity in our patients. It uses sensors placed on the scalp to detect the electrical activity of the brain, and then converts that activity into a visual representation called a brain map. This allows us to see patterns in the brain's activity and identify areas that may be functioning differently than normal. 


This cutting-edge tool allows us to delve deep into our patients' brainwave patterns, enabling us to uncover the root causes of their concerns and craft tailored treatment plans that integrate physical healing tools, mental health techniques, and neurotherapy training.



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Mind-Body Medicine Group Visits: Empathy, Support, and Healing for Our Valued Patients

Good afternoon, We wanted to make sure that you are aware of all of the new group visit opportunities we have available for you plug into! Mind-body sessions offer a chance to embrace empathy, support, and healing for you and your loved ones here at TCLM. We have both group and one-on-one sessions with Geny Moreno. 

This month and next month, Geny will be teaching virtual and in-person group visits to empower you with tools that develop emotional resiliency, self-awareness, mindfulness and inner healing. Our Mind-Body Medicine Group Visits offer a unique opportunity for you to engage in a nurturing and non-judgmental atmosphere, surrounded by like-minded individuals who are on a similar path towards wellness. These sessions aim to cultivate empathy, create a safe space for expression, and foster healing through various mind-body practices.

We have an exciting lineup of group visits scheduled for this month and the next, designed to cater to different interests and...

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In-Person Mind-Body Medicine Group Sessions

If you have been feeling extra run-down lately, impacted by the stressors of everyday life and need to take a breather, here is your opportunity to take care of yourself! Thursday mornings, Geny Moreno will be leading her most popular Mind-Body Medicine interactive group visit in the clinic. At 8:30 AM, she will begin her Breathwork Group session. In this visit, Geny will be walking members through breathing techniques to improve autonomic nervous system function, promote relaxation, and improve vagal tone. This means you will leave feeling refreshed, with tools to take with you in everyday life, whether you are facing stressful circumstances or managing chronic health issues.


Evidence shows that breathing is so important for our immune function, cardiovascular health, metabolic function, and mental health. When we experience stress, or if we have accidentally trained ourselves to breathe improperly through habit formation, we rob our bodies of proper oxygenation and blood...

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How Brain Mapping Can Improve Your Mental Health

Most of us know that our mental health is drastically impacted by physiological as well as psychological triggers. While we may do our best to manage stress, develop resiliency, and incorporate spiritual and mental healing practices, there may be other organic factors at play, contributing to our mental and emotional state. The sad truth is, people may spend months or years attempting to get to the root of these issues and often have no clue where to begin in their search. They may not even know what options and diagnostic tools are available.


Brainview uses a combination of EEG, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) to create a detailed map of brain activity. This allows us to pinpoint specific areas in the brain that may be causing cognitive issues and tailor treatment plans accordingly. Not only have we been able to detect sleep related issues, but inflammation from traumatic brain injuries, PTSD, sinus issues, and even...

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Supporting the Mind and Body to improve Mental Health

Uncovering the source of mental health issues can be a daunting and difficult task. The mind and body are definitely connected in very intricate ways, so it can be challenging to get to the root of mental health struggles. Often, patients are left wondering what came first: Was there a physiological imbalance contributing to poor mental health, or did the emotional turmoil contribute to the manifestation of disease? For many years, psychiatry would approach mental health from a standpoint of strictly chemical imbalances with no hope of improvement without long-term medication. However, many people do not wish to take medication for a long time and some may even have adverse side effects as a result of psychiatric medication.


We believe that there is absolutely no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to managing one's mental health; however, we do know that there are now many more options than there once were. This is great news for many of our members who have been left...

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Treating Brain and Neurodegenerative Diseases at TCLM

At TCLM, we are dedicated to helping people achieve optimal health and wellness through the latest advancements in brain and neurological health. Our team of health professionals are committed to providing personalized care for those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. Our newest addition to our team, Dr. John Kelley, has been trained extensively with knowledge and tools specifically for reversing and preventing brain and neurodegenerative diseases.



Dr. Kelley is certified in the Bredesen Protocol through Apollo Health, a cutting edge method of treating and preventing neurodegenerative disease using functional medicine principles. This approach focuses on identifying and addressing the greatest root triggers that can lead to decline in brain function including environmental toxin exposure, hormone imbalances, infections, poor diet, sleep issues, digestive issues/gut problems, and more. The goal is to not simply mask or treat symptoms, but to get to the...

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