Ditch the Canola oil: 6 Remarkable Benefits of Cooking with Coconut Oil

Most of us are aware that vegetable oils are contributing to chronic inflammatory diseases. Yet, a common challenge arises as individuals grapple with the decision of identifying which oils they should substitute for their cooking or frying oils. If this is your current dilemma when it comes to cooking at a high temperature, not to worry! We have you covered. 

When it comes to cooking oils, we have quite a few recommendations! You may need to experiment to see which flavors you prefer in fried, baked, stir fried and pan seared dishes. Try any of the following to avoid creating an inflammatory response from toxic vegetable oils: 

  1. Avocado oil
  2. Ghee (clarified butter) 
  3. Coconut oil (unrefined)
  4. Flaxseed oil
  5. Walnut oil
  6. Extra virgin olive oil (unrefined) - low temperature only! 


In this blog post, we are going to focus solely on the healing benefits of coconut oil to inspire you to potentially break out of your comfort zone! Cooking with coconut oil not only adds a delightful flavor to your dishes but also brings a wealth of health advantages to the table. See the following wonderful benefits of adding coconut oil to your diet: 

  1. Heart Health: Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats, but unlike other saturated fats, its unique composition can actually improve heart health. The medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in coconut oil may help raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels and promote a healthy lipid profile, contributing to a reduced risk of heart disease.

  2. Weight Management: Contrary to common belief, incorporating coconut oil into your diet can support weight management. The MCFAs in coconut oil are easily digestible and quickly converted into energy, potentially boosting metabolism and promoting weight loss. Additionally, coconut oil may help control appetite, making you feel fuller for longer periods.

  3. Brain Boost: Coconut oil contains MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), which have shown potential benefits for brain health. The brain can efficiently convert MCTs into ketones, an alternative energy source that may provide cognitive benefits, including improved focus and memory.

  4. Immune System Support: The lauric acid found in coconut oil possesses antimicrobial and antiviral properties, supporting the immune system in its defense against various pathogens. Regular consumption of coconut oil may contribute to overall immune health.

  5. Skin and Hair Nourishment: Beyond the kitchen, coconut oil serves as a natural beauty enhancer. Its moisturizing properties make it a fantastic skin and hair conditioner. Applying coconut oil topically can help hydrate the skin, reduce inflammation, and promote a healthy, radiant complexion.

  6. Balanced Blood Sugar Levels: Some studies suggest that the MCFAs in coconut oil may aid in improving insulin sensitivity, helping to regulate blood sugar levels. While more research is needed, incorporating coconut oil into a balanced diet may contribute to better blood sugar management.

Cooking with coconut oil isn't just about creating delicious meals; it's about embracing a holistic approach to wellness. At the Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine, we encourage you to explore the benefits of coconut oil and make informed choices for a healthier, more vibrant life. As with any dietary changes, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it aligns with your individual health needs. Enjoy the journey to wellness through the wholesome goodness of coconut oil!


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