
Announcing Our New Mind-Body Program for Dysautonomia

We're thrilled to introduce our latest Group Visit Program at TCLM: a four-week mind-body program designed exclusively for our young adult dysautonomia patients. Geny Moreno, Mind-Body Medicine Practitioner has intricately designed this program with our patients in mind, titled "Resilient Warriors: Regaining Control Through Mind-Body Mastery for Dysautonomia." This innovative program will provide you with powerful tools to better manage your condition and cultivate resilience.

What is the Resilient Warriors Program?

This comprehensive four-session series will guide you through evidence-based mind-body practices proven to reduce stress, improve symptom management, implement positive communication skills and self-regulation, and enhance overall well-being for those living with dysautonomia. Each week, we'll explore a different aspect of mind-body medicine, equipping you with valuable techniques to regain control and thrive.

Here's what you can expect:

Week 1: Introduction to...

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From Pain to Empowerment: Libbie's Story

mental health mind body Mar 15, 2024

Most of us have or will experience grief in our lifetime, but very few of us are prepared to know how to navigate the healing process, which is often life-long. Libbie is a testament to resilience and finding joy through suffering. After meeting with Libbie, we decided her story is so impactful that we want to share it with you! Libbie Vaughan founded the Dance Yourself Home Program after experiencing the devastating loss of her husband to suicide.

Libbie's journey began with the heart-wrenching realization that her husband was battling severe anxiety and depression. As his condition worsened, he found it increasingly difficult to cope with the demands of daily life, eventually reaching a point where he could no longer work and had to go on disability. Events leading up to this included a major job layoff during the pandemic, total isolation and abandonment by friends, and increased anxiety. Libbie found herself being the only support system for her husband, while working full time....

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