
At Home Brain Training!

Neurofeedback training has been changing the way we practice medicine at Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine! We are now very proud to offer our patients an incredible and unique opportunity to optimize their brain function anytime and in the comfort of their own home, using state-of-the-art technology! The great news is that the technology is so user friendly that we guarantee anyone can use it anywhere!


You’ll be able to train under the supervision and personal assistance of brain pattern expert Dr. Francesco Amico, PhD, who will create custom training protocols for you and regularly assess your progress employing methods based on years of clinical research. This specific technology is an individualized form of neurofeedback training. What is neurofeedback training? - It is a form of neurotherapy that trains your brainwaves to achieve a healthier state. Think of it as exercise for your brain! The technology we use is EEG technology, a noninvasive, simple way to...

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How to Balance Hormones through Optimizing Sleep

It's no secret that hormones play a critical role in our overall health and well-being. However, many people are unaware of the direct correlation between sleep patterns and quality of sleep to hormone imbalances. Over the years, research has shown that there is an intimate connection between the gut-brain axis and hormonal balance. When the gut microbiome (collection of bacteria, viruses, and small organisms that live in the gut) becomes out of balance and populated with more hurtful than harmful microbes, it can cause disruption throughout the entire body.



Our hormones are one of the many facets to our wellbeing that become incredibly imbalanced with an imbalanced gut. While it may seem that the best place to start is looking at the microbes and gut function, we have actually determined that addressing sleep quality is the most important place to start when trying to resolve gut and hormone imbalances. Science reveals that after just one night of poor sleep, we...

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Nutrition Group Visits- A better way to balanced eating!

balance Mar 27, 2023

What is a balanced diet?In the world of fitness and nutrition, there have been so many different debates over the years over what is a healthy diet, what is the meaning of balanced, and how can we create a nutrition plan that is good for our bodies and also does not require tremendous effort?Regardless of the level of change that you desire to make in order to improve your overall health, it will require both mental and physical effort. However, it is evident that fad diet culture has allowed people to believe seem that there is a quick fix to weight loss and health. Sometimes people also buy into the idea that one must follow a very strict diet and make their life revolve around food in order to see any level of change in their health. Both of these perspectives can be quite detrimental to our health and damage our relationship with food. Therefore, we are excited to bring to you nutrition group visits with registered dietitian, Ruben Lespron. Ruben will bring a positive outlook to...

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Why we love our Tai Chi Group Visits!

Are you looking for ways to incorporate movement and reduce stress in your daily life? Mind-Body Medicine skills provide amazing healing tools to get you started in your healing journey- from self awareness, to intentional movement, breathwork, meditation, and rewiring stress responses- mind-body medicine provides life-changing skills for all, no matter what stage of life you are in.


One of our favorite Mind-Body session in the clinic is our Tai Chi class. Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art that has been practiced for centuries and offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional health benefits. It combines slow and gentle movements with deep breathing techniques that help to reduce stress levels, improve balance, increase flexibility, build strength, and boost overall well-being. Intentional movement allows the body to connect to the mind, offering a drastic decrease in stress response, an ability to ground oneself, and an increased level of self-awareness. We have seen...

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Kitchen Behavior Training~Minerals!

Do you want to learn how to use food as a medicine? Are you looking for ways to incorporate minerals into your diet in order to support your health and well-being? If so, join us next week Tuesday at 5:30 PM for an informative discussion about culinary medicine and minerals. Our Kitchen Behavior Training educators include registered dietitian Ruben Lespron, lifestyle Chef Franklin, and Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD.


Together they will help us understand the benefits of mineral-rich foods and provide tips on how to incorporate them into our diets! Why is it so important to focus on mineral intake for our health? With extensive treatments that have been done to our soil, increased use of pesticides, and an increased consumption of processed foods, a lot of our food sources have been stripped of vital minerals. Minerals are so important for the health of our gut, immune system, cardiovascular health, nervous system, and more. When we are lacking in minerals, we may begin to experience...

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Cancer Support Group Visits with Amy Bryant

We are excited to announce the return of cancer support group visits with Amy Bryant, NP at Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine! If you do not yet know Amy, she is highly knowledgable in functional medicine, has years of experience as an Oncology Nurse Practitioner, and is an expert in getting to the root of complex, chronic diseases. She brings years of wisdom and knowledge to the table in her group visits in order to support her patients, both physically and emotionally.


During these visits, Amy will be providing valuable information on the pathology behind inflammatory diseases as well as tools and strategies to help patients support their bodies, no matter what stage they are in! We recognize that many have benefited from these support groups in the past, finding comfort in knowing they are not alone, as well as becoming aware of additional tools that can support their bodies. That is why we strive to provide our members with all of the valuable resources, lifestyle...

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Group Coaching this Month!

As a Lifestyle Medicine Clinic, we have over the past few months added to our list of services in order to meet the needs of our amazing members wishing to better their health!


Group visit sessions have been one of the many ways we deliver health education, tools to heal the body and mind, and ways to involve our members in the community. Research shows that social isolation is more detrimental to our health than obesity or even smoking! We are definitely creatures who thrive in community, no matter how introverted you may be! But we know that many do not have a support system to lean on or people in their circle who understand the ins and outs of dealing with chronic, often invisible illnesses. Group visits solve this dilemma, as we offer a safe space to express thoughts, emotions, and personal struggles in a non-judgemental space. Group visits also teach valuable communication and social support tools, as we allow members to each have a chance to share their thoughts, while...

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Miles for Migraine- Collaborating with Empowering Organizations in our Community!

As a lifestyle Medicine Clinic, we take great pride in collaborating with experts in the health field, especially those who work endlessly to find solutions for those struggling with chronic, often misunderstood and misdiagnosed conditions. 


Miles for Migraine is one of the many organizations we love collaborating with in our community in order to support an impactful mission. The vision for Miles for Migraine is to " create some “big noise” in the migraine community and raise awareness that migraine and headache disorders are more than “a headache.” As a Lifestyle Medicine Clinic, we know what it is like to experience chronic health issues or pain and receive no real hope for healing or change. This absolutely should not be the case. However, few practices have the tools, resources, or time to investigate new healing modalities for complex diseases. 


Therefore, we love collaborating with and supporting specialists who share our...

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TCLM University- Educating Patients about their Health and How to Heal

We believe that one of the greatest missing pieces in healthcare, is providing adequate education available for patients regarding their health condition and steps to take in order to heal. Often patients feel that they are not given adequate time during their visits with conventional physicians to review important healing tools, such as background information regarding the pathology of their condition, nutrition guidance, lifestyle support, and more. They do not feel supported emotionally through the highs and lows of their healing journey as well. This has left so many patients feeling hopeless and lost in the medical system. This definitely should not be the case.


In order to provide a solution to this major downfall of the medical community, we have created an online university available for all of our patients  and members who subscribe to our website. Within the online university, patients will be able to select a course related to their specific needs. For...

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What is Culinary Medicine at TCLM?

Welcome to the world of Culinary Medicine! This is where health meets pleasure and nutrition meets deliciousness. We believe that healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring or restrictive. In fact, it can be a fun, creative experience - one that can lead to lasting lifestyle changes and improved overall well-being.


At our kitchen behavior training group visits for our members, we teach them how to explore new ideas in the kitchen that are both delicious and nutritious. Last week we had an insightful discussion around our relationship with sugar - how to find balance when it comes to treats while also enjoying meals without sabotaging your health goals. Our team includes Ruben, a registered dietitian; Chef Franklin who adds his expertise on flavoral food preparation; Geny Moreno shares her knowledge on nutrition and mindful eating habits, and Dr. Cheng Ruan provides guidance backed by science and nutrition. Together they bring unique perspectives which add spice (no pun...

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